Special Needs Kitten with Megaesophagus and His Best Friend!

by Kitten Lady

Special Needs Kitten with Megaesophagus and His Best Friend!


Jumbo Slice and Deep Dish are special boys Jumbo has megaesophagus a congenital defect that causes challenges with swallowing and he needs extra care His brother DD is always by his side to comfort him and now they re getting a forever home together Watch their journey and see their emotional cross country adoption Follow Kitten Lady on social media




  • by ネイルスタジオあわちゃんねる 985

皆様こんにちは!いつもあわちゃんねるをご視聴ありがとうございます! 今日は、リクエスト頂きましたフルーツ輪切りネイルに挑戦です! ビジュージェルで果汁感あふれるぷるぷるアートを作りましょ★ カラーはハピジェルの新色だよ!

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