The Best Peanut Cookies Recipe 外酥内软花生酥 ll Apron

by Apron

The Best Peanut Cookies Recipe 外酥内软花生酥 ll Apron


The Best Peanut Cookies Recipe 外酥内软花生酥 ll Apron花生 peanut 200g 1 1 4cup糖霜 icing sugar 75g 3 4cup低筋面粉 cake flour 120g 1 cup溶化奶油 melted butter 30g 2Tbsp盐 salt 1 4tsp糖霜 icing sugar 1tsp鲜奶 fresh milk 40ml蛋黄 egg yolk 1摄氏170 华氏340 烤 15 20分钟Bake at 170 C 340 F for 15 20 minutesPlease leave a like andShare this video SUBSCRIBE my channel for more videosAnd clicked the bell so you don t miss any of my videosMy ChannelSecond ChannelFacebookBloggerInstagramAmazon shop PeautCookies Cookies Recipe Apron



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