Retaking my Pottermore quizzes...
Check out the hypnotizing process of wax sealing it s so charming and delightful The results are pure perfection Nowadays messengers have replaced paper letters for us However the art of envelopes is not yet dead Watching this stunning compilation will make you want to write a real letter and stamp it with one of these beautiful wax seals Celebrations weddings children s holidays and many other special occasions often require the use of paper envelopes that you want to decorate in a beautiful or unusual way Wax seals are a great way to decorate envelopes and make them look charming You can make a wax stamp yourself or buy everything you need for one in a special shop This magnificent decorative element that can be used in scrapbooking decoupage and many other types of handmade art Watch this compilation and find your inspiration here Via Our Social Media
저희 집에 숨겨진 창고가 있었는데 디디가 숨겨진 창고를 발견했어요. 이제 물건을 어디에 보관해야 할지 고민이네요. 똥고양이
저세상 귀요미 포메라니안 형제 모카와 라떼! 근데 말 안해도 누가 형이고 누가 동생인지 알거같음 무엇ㅋ
Olá mãos mágicas!!! Ganhei estes enfeites de natal do ano passado e resolvi fazer uma guirlanda, o que achou?
ネコ吉と一緒にソファーに座りたいボス吉。 ボス吉はしばらく迷った後、思い切ってソファーに飛び乗りましたが、念願叶い無事に一緒に座る事が出来て、とても満足そうな様子でした。
夏天到了,你的防疫第一線大功臣──口罩使用起來舒服嗎?要讓配戴起來悶熱的口罩找到解決方法就是口罩立體化,透過立體才能讓熱氣排出,讓裡布不沾黏嘴唇,達到好用舒適的眉角。 ching看到大家找版型的痛苦啦!免版型立體透氣口罩不用畫版型,只要善用長條布塊,邊做邊裁,...
窓から外が見たい秀吉^^ なかなか見れない秀吉の表情に注目してください♪
ドライフラワーを封入して和風キーホルダーを作ってみました!観て頂けたら嬉しいです(^^♪ 訂正 2:25「少しず黒に」→「少しずつ黒に」 関連動画 ht...
暖暖好過冬~ 準備替貓咪們換季,來開箱好味家的冬季用品! 這次要介紹的是 @宜得利家居 的 N WARM 系列, 接下來就可以和貓咪們一起溫暖過冬啦~
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