The Restoration of Ave Maria N...
Follow along as Julian Baumgartner of Baumgartner Fine Art Restoration in Chicago works to conserve and restore this icon of Ave M...
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Follow along as Julian Baumgartner of Baumgartner Fine Art Restoration in Chicago works to conserve and restore this icon of Ave M...
Daddy decided to build a Batmobile for his cat. Pusic the cat as Batcat has a lot of fun riding it. Watch the process of creating ...
귀여운 고양이들에게 건강에 좋은 음식을 해주기 위해 집사는 오늘도 창의적인 생각을 합니다. 닭고기를 익혀서 갈고, 불린 팥을 끓여주고, 고양이용 우유와 간식을 좀 올려 팥빙수가 완성되었습니다. 고양이들은 사료보다 팥빙수를 더 좋아할까...
JJR shows us how to make cookie dough that's safe to eat - no baking required! Then, what's better than an ice cream cone for dess...
つや消しラミネートを使いました。 BOX型(*^-^) ラミネートなので、裏は切りっぱなしです。
気温が高い日はこうして霧吹きしてあげると喜んで翼を広げて、羽いっぱいに水分を浴びようとします。 日本の夏はほとんどのフクロウにとって暑すぎます。 毎年、夏は暑さとの戦いです。
These super funny animal videos are the hardest try not to laugh challenge ever! So super funny moments of pets and animals. You w...
婊姊來喇賽第二集來聊一下感情!認真覺得這集不只好笑,其實也蠻多值得參考的觀念欸 Join the family 訂閱我的頻道 ➡️
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