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#Kittisaurus #Kitten Today, my cats played around with see-through boxes! Can they find the ones right for them?
0:33 Tracing the Pattern 1:05 Measuring Pattern Waist/Bust 2:11 Choosing Fabric
These sweet pit bulls have some VERY unusual little siblings, and they play so gently with them to make them feel safe. Today on O...
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이렇게 작고 귀여운 아기 고양이가 어느새... 변했어요...
Finally, all the secrets on how to decorate a rectangle cake! And not just any rectangle cake....a SALTED CARAMEL rectangle cake. ...
건조한건 핑계고 조금만 관심주니 현재는 스스로 잘 벗겨냅니다~! 1월은 이사하고 소홀했네요 ㅠㅠㅠ 1월에 관리했던 영상 모아봤습니다!!
装着画像はインスタにアップします! ◇instagram◇ https://www.instagram.com/sapphirus_beads
気になり過ぎて決して見てはいけない袋の中を覗いてしまったボス吉です。 ネコ吉に怒られる前にそっと部屋を出て行きましたが、この翌日、ようやく自分も袋の中に入れるチャンスが! 中に入れたからと言って特にどうと言う事もないのですが、その様子はまた明日お送りします。
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