Hand Embroidery: Border Embroi...
Hello! Today we are making border embroidery with beads and pearls. Please don't forget to like, share and subscribe!
①C通道選擇抹茶套房3信道選擇這個時候C通道連續綠茶套房收集這是任何你喜歡的茶套房1號宇治綠茶提拉米蘇抹茶HOUSE綠茶大廳2號宇治冰綠茶Esupuma剪裁茶匠和義清水花園京都總公司3號綠茶餅Urth來自Caffe C信道的應用程序,如果所有視頻的過去可以看到您請求或關於視頻的問題,例如iOS Android的指甲做DIY美食賞心悅目②在評論世界豐富的綠茶冰淇淋Nanaya東京青山③熱板抹茶最大蛋糕台灣綠茶店受歡迎的菜單④1天4000銷售額為東京杏仁餅乾出爐的青木定治澀WEB影的Instagram LINE
Hello! Today we are making border embroidery with beads and pearls. Please don't forget to like, share and subscribe!
Check Out The Small Spaces Collection: http://bit.ly/2uTC6wR Huge Thank You To Cost Plus World Market For Sponsoring this video! #...
갑자기 너무 더워졌어요.. 원래 5월까지는 봄 아니였나요..? 아무튼 갑자기 더워진 날씨탓에 입맛이 없어져서 (뭔가 많이 먹긴했는데 입맛이 없는거맞음) 매콤새콤한 쫄면과 열무김치비빔밥을 만들어 먹었어요. 그럼 즐거운 주말되세요! :)
to create the skull beads at the beginning of the video https://youtu.be/55vFiyybVXQ To purchase the born pretty in USA I can't...
Hola a todos, hoy realizaremos una flor con pétalos calados, tengo varios proyectos similares a éste para realizar y compartir con...
Carousel Horse Painting Tutorial in Oils Supplies can be purchased from our sponsor Jerry's Artarama: http://www.jerrysartarama.co...
Comment coudre facilement des sacs à vrac pour y ranger fruits secs, bonbons, grain de café, semoule, riz... ▼ DÉROULEZ LA DESCRIP...
My Triple Grands use Ghirardelli’s Grand Chips to make a cookie in the shape of a cupcake, with a surprise filling!
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