
by 美希ぽんチャンネル






Best Pets of the Week Video Co...

  • by The Pet Collective 1777

This week's edition of the best pet videos of the week we have a happy french bulldog swimming, a very guilty dog and an incredibl...

eng,jp.sp,vtn)미니멀라이프 ㅣ 비닐,플라스틱...

  • by my life is pretty 765

안녕하세요^ ^ 살림하며 이것저것 공부하게 되면서 비닐을 많이 쓰는 냉동보관 대신 유리용기와 스텐 그리고 지퍼백대신 친환경 허니포켓으로 냉동보관하는 방법을 찾게되었어요 시중에 나와있는 보관용기들은 거의 플라스틱이 많아서 고르고 골라...

My Fan Does My Makeup!

  • by Tina Yong 1443

My fan does my makeup! I had so much fun filming this video with Dylan - how talented is he?! If you’re new to my channel, please...