16 New Gorgeous Eyes Makeup Lo...
💜 Thank you all so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed! 💜 💋 Watch more amazing beauty compilations: https://youtube.com/playl...
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💜 Thank you all so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed! 💜 💋 Watch more amazing beauty compilations: https://youtube.com/playl...
Sewed a mini backpack inspired by Anello, but with a customizable back! CLICK TO NEVER MISS AN UPLOAD: http://bit.ly/subscribewith...
Digestive Biscuits are a staple in Britain but you could use any simple biscuit to flavour your ice cream. Give it a go! And then ...
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join me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GinasGemcreations/?ref=bookmarks The material list is captioned in the video
Desert Lifestyle Vlog | Home decor, upcycling projects, repotting succulents: Graptopetalum Paraguayense, Euphorbia Ingens (Euphor...
My favorite herb! 🌿🤤 Blue package - rye. Green package - green foxtail (Setaria viridis - green bristlegrass)
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