



Hello 這裡是Gina Hello影音頻道 Cats Shopping Beauty Travel Life 視頻無授權於任何搬運 膚質 乾肌 喜好偏白妝感 各種實測心得以我自身習慣以及喜好妝感為評價標準唷 這裡可以找到更多的GINAHELLO 合作邀請請 mail design gina gmail com 碎碎念 由於我滿常回覆留言的 為了不愧對其他懂禮貌的孩子 我自身感受到沒有禮貌的留言 也不會給予相對的禮貌油 ٩ ꉺɷꉺ ۶ 沒禮貌 比沒專業更糟糕 non sponsored video 非商業合作影片



A Sewing Series Ep. 1 // I mad...

  • by simply_kenna 1132

Hello, welcome to episode one of A Sewing Series, in which i attempt to sew things and you watch LOL. I'm not a pro, idk what i'm ...

Rabbit singing Unforgettable

  • by OneMorePlease 2635

A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin sings the song Unforgettable to a carrot, before eating the carrot. The rabbit loves eating f...


  • by 主婦のミシン 924

パイピングコードを手作りしてポーチを作りました、 パイピングコードの作り方は 主婦のミシン、DIY簡単パイピングの作り方で検索よろしくお願い致します🤲 プログ、主婦のミシン http://d.hatena.ne.jp/syuhunomisin/touch

This New Too Faced Foundation....

  • by Jackie Aina 1311

This video is done in partnership with VESCA beauty vescabeauty.com SO Too Faced just recently launched a MATTE version of their B...

Amazing Lion Cub abused at cir...

  • by Viktor Larkhill 1916

Barely days after he was born Magnus the lion was separated from his mother and turned into a tourist attraction by a Spanish Circ...

Deadly Cats Video Compilation ...

  • by The Pet Collective 1401

From cats attacking their owners, mad cats attacking their sibling dog, to cats just being mean, these are just a few of the deadl...

Must watch :: Some of my new a...

  • by Tech Garden 1518

Some of my new amazing plants collection 1* Black Guava 65 ₹ 2* Bay Leaf 90₹ 3* Gandhraj 85₹ 4* Jackfruit 100 5* Plum without t...