Hand Embroidery, 3 Different F...
This video about:Hand Embroidery, 3-Different Flower Stitch, Same Flower Varieties Stitch
꼬부기가 너무너무너무 좋아해요 보내주신 김의지님 너무 감사합니다 의외로 쵸비는 그냥저냥 보통 간식들 반응이네요 ㅎㅎ 꼬부기 2살 GoBooGi 2 years old 먼치킨 숏레그 수컷 하얀색 오드아이 2015년 2월생 Munchkin short legs male white born Feb 2015 쵸비 1살 ChoBee 1 year old 먼치킨 숏레그 수컷 하얀 바탕에 회색 무늬 2016년 7월생 Munchkin short legs male white and gray born July 2016 먼치킨 고양이 꼬부기 쵸비 Munchkin Cat Kitty Kitten 배경음악 BGM Jazz Me Blues by E s Jammy Jams
This video about:Hand Embroidery, 3-Different Flower Stitch, Same Flower Varieties Stitch
Grey and whiye cat with fluffy squirrel's tail washing her face with her paws so cute after eating food in the island
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Hola! En el video de hoy les comparto varios diseños con pigmentos ojo de gato 5d 💅🏻 recuerda dejar este emoji en los comentarios ...
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Hand embroidery. Borderline embroidery design. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe for further uploads. Thank you. facebook-...
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