Stella the feral catermelon discovers belly rubs

by TinyKittens HQ

Stella the feral catermelon discovers belly rubs


Watch as Stella progresses from fearful to exposing her belly for belleh rubs in one session Each feral cat is different and our job is to balance learning where their boundaries are knowing when and how far to push boundaries to allow growth and respecting boundaries enough to establish trust In Stella s case we want to push her as much as possible before kittens are born to make it less stressful for her if she happens to need intervention during labor and when we need to access kittens to weigh them and make sure they are healthy The more we can learn and connect with her now the easier this will be for her Read on for the rest of her incredible story Please note Stella is a feral cat and her environment the way we interact with her etc are all tailored to minimize stress and maximize confidence and comfort whilst in captivity If you have questions about why things are the way they are please ask There s a reason for everything and we have very good success using these techniques APR 19 2020 Feral catermelon Stella has finally been trapped At five years old this is likely to be her 15th litter of kittens Thankfully it will also be her last She and her kittens will be spayed so they can all live happy healthy lives Her kittens will be adopted into loving homes and we will let Stella tell us whether she is ready for life with humans or whether she would be happiest returning to her feral forest family in our managed Happy Forest colony DEC 23 2019 Blind feral cat Harriet has joined Mirok Robin and Watson She is from the same colony they came from We are monitoring closely while she learns how to navigate this new space Fortunately blind cats adapt extremely well and we are confident that once we are able to socialize her she will have a happy healthy live in a loving home We suspect she is able to detect light and dark to some extent and we are not anticipating being able to restore her vision GUIDE FOR PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE Be polite Please don t swear don t ask for subscriptions don t ask personal questions don t spam including roll call requests spamming emojis No block caps Thanks OUR MODS ARE VOLUNTEERS AND THEY ARE TRYING TO HELP PLEASE TREAT THEM ACCORDINGLY Bothering a moderator inside or outside of chat is grounds for banning and the sharing of your info to other cams for them to ban you as well Concerning Trolls Ignore them That s what they dislike the most Their goal is to upset you so you yell at them They think this is funny Thank mew so much to everyone who is watching



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