Art Materials for Travelling - Watercolor & Gouache

by Carla Chua

Art Materials for Travelling - Watercolor & Gouache


Hey guys Thank you for waiting for a new video I just came back from a lovely vacation in Taiwan The weather is super hot but the beautiful sights night market and glorious food made up for it Definitely a trip to remember Packing my art materials is a must for me whenever I travel and I think this is the same for most artists we want to keep our materials nearby especially when inspiration strikes In this video I m sharing with you what I usually bring to travel I don t bring my materials when I go sightseeing so my things are not small and super compact I leave my art materials in the hotel and hope to find time to doodle when we go back and rest I hope you find this video useful and if you want to buy the materials in the video I ve added useful info below on where to get them and some alternatives Hope you find the extensive list useful What art materials do you bring for travelling Do you like bringing them along or just leaving them in the hotel Airbnb Let me know in the comments Until next time Cheers Carla Materials in the video WATERCOLOR MATERIALSEscoda Optimo Travel brush size 10 Alternative Escoda travel watercolor journal Faber Castell waterbrush If you live in Philippines you can buy the waterbrush from National Bookstore Holbein watercolors Watercolor plastic palette Winsor and Newton Cotman Muji pencil case and mechanical pencils Watercolor postcardsGOUACHE MATERIALSTurner acryl gouache paints Strathmore Mixed Media pad alternative If you live in Philippines you can buy the pad from FullyBooked Palette paper alternative Follow my works Instagram carlacochuaFor Business only carlacochua gmail com Video Editor Lae Ann Bermudo laeannmarieofficial gmail com Music



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