Black Swan Coconut Cream Puff

by Michael Lim

Black Swan Coconut Cream Puff


Metric Version can be found at Belmerlion Berliner With Coconut Cream at Michael s ChannelBlack Swan Cream Puff with Michael Lim s Coconut Cream U S Measurements This cream puff is a perfect vehicle for Michael Lim s Coconut Cream His smooth velvety white cream filling works well with this elegant dark pastry dough In keeping with the uniqueness of the black swan the unexpected flavor and texture combination using Pandan extract sweet corn roasted sesame seeds and irresistible coconut sugar are featured The Pandan extract enhances the coconut cream the sweet corn gives texture and the aromatic roasted sesame seeds and coconut sugar ties all the flavors together This pastry is not just feast for the eyes but for the palette as well Preheat Oven at 400 degrees FBody Bake at 400 degrees F 30 mins halfway through baking time 15 mins put in the ovenHead Neck Bake at 400 degrees F 15 minsCoconut Cream Ingredients 1 can 13 66 fl oz coconut milkLess than 1 2 c whole milk 3 5 oz Less than 1 2 c sugar 3 5 oz 6 Tbsp cornstarchoptional Pandan extractCream Puff Dough Ingredients 1 2 c water2 1 2 Tbsp salted butter1 2 c flour2 large eggsGarnish 1 4 c sweet corn4 Tbsp sesame seed sugar mix 1 Tbsp roasted sesame seeds 3 Tbsp coconut sugarYields 10 pcs Song Moonlight SonataMusic by Beethoven YouTube Audio LibrarySong Beneath the MoonlightMusic by Aaron Kenny YouTube Audio LibrarySong Waltz of the FlowersMusic by TchaikovskyYouTube Audio Library



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