How to Sculpt a 4D Butterfly i...
Hi, Today, I’m going to create a 4D Butterfly. Start be creating an Ombre on the nail. Seal it with top coat and cure. Use the m...
Have fabric scraps Here s the way to use them up 如何运用碎布录制滚边布条 HandyMum 04 Dear beloved audience as my native language is chinese there might be some inaccurate with the subtitles Your understanding is much appreciate Thank you Thank you so much for watching mummy Lin DIY SEWING IDEA channel If you enjoyed this video Please leave a like Share this video SUBSCRIBE my channel for more videos And clicked the bell so you don t miss any of my videos 手作diy HandyMum Lin TV all tutorial Facebook page Christmasgift Fabricscrapsidea HandyMum UsefulLifeHacks
Hi, Today, I’m going to create a 4D Butterfly. Start be creating an Ombre on the nail. Seal it with top coat and cure. Use the m...
身為一個肉圓臉..研究怎麼讓臉變小是重要的課題XD 深色修容雖然感覺效果明顯,但也容易失敗或是反效果,今天跟大家分享幾個不修容也可以讓臉變小的小技巧~~
🌟💅🏼 *** OPEN ME *** 🌟💅🏼
我が家で孵化したカマキリベビー達に大量のゴキブリベビーを与えました! ちっちゃなカマキリ達の捕食を御覧ください!
今年もやってきました。幼稚園の運動会。 頑張って三段重ねのお弁当頑張るぞ! 朝6時からの弁当作りに運動会の撮影係、チャンのHPは0よ!
빨간 딸기와 트리 모양 생크림으로 장식한 크리스마스 딸기 초코 케이크를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on ...
キジトラ猫リムはお話大好き♥ 話しかけると、お返事してくれます(#^^#)甘えん坊モードは嬉しいけど、落ちちゃうよ(*´艸`) そして、子猫リタのアピール鳴き声は超かわいい! 飼い主メロメロです♥ いっぱい食べていっぱい寝て、いっぱい遊ぼうね♪
Ice cream rolls with fresh whole pineapple cut it half than mixed it with ice cream topping with strawberry chips and almond slice...
#一重メイク 本日もご視聴いただきありがとうございます♡ チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします★
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