Bad rabbit being tickled then splooting!

by OneMorePlease

Bad rabbit being tickled then splooting!


Here s a tiny pet bunny rabbit eating a girl s coffee cup When the girl realizes what the bad rabbit is doing she grabs the cup away She almost gets mad at the wee bun but realizes he is too sweet and meant no harm Can someone blame a rabbit for being a rabbit He is curious by nature after all And so hungry The girl then starts tickling and petting the rabbit The rabbit loves being pet like this especially after waking up from a nap The rabbit enjoys the petting and scratching but the tickling eventually becomes too much for him the rabbit sploots and runs away He comes back quickly for some more petting however What is splooting A sploot is a particular stretch some pets and animals do Splooting is when a pet lays on their belly while stretching their legs out behind them It s very cute If you liked this rabbit splooting video here s some more If you look closely at the beginning you can just see a mass of fur in the foreground The rabbit is still shedding and had just been brushed and left another massive fur pile behind of course Thanks for checking out Pipkin and our rabbit channel We hope you think this is the cutest rabbit video ever because he really enjoys making videos the rabbit ASMR ones featuring the rabbit eating particularly If you d like to see more cute rabbit videos please watch some of our other work rabbits splooting bunnies cute



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