HOW TO: EASY UPDO ‍ Knotted Braid Hair Tutorial

by Alex Gaboury

HOW TO: EASY UPDO ‍ Knotted Braid Hair Tutorial


I am so excited to share today s hair tutorial which is an easy knotted braid updo I wanted to share this particular hairstyle because it can be recreated on medium length to long hair This updo is surprisingly simple and absolutely perfect for a casual night out a wedding hairstyle or for any special event this summer What I love most about this up do is that it gives me a major 90s vibe which you know that I am all about Leave a comment and let me know what you love about this hairstyle FOLLOW MEFor business inquiries email me at agabourybiz gmail com MORE HAIRSTYLESHOW TO BEACH WAVESEASY UPDO 90 S INSPIREDFRENCH TWIST Top Pick SIMPLE UPDOMAKEUP ROUTINE Don t forget to tag me in your recreations on Instagram hairtutorial alexgaboury DISCLAIMER This video is not sponsored Some of the above links are affiliate links



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