How to color with markers | COPIC vs. AD CHARTPAK | Fashion Drawing | Justine Leconte

by Justine Leconte officiel

How to color with markers | COPIC vs. AD CHARTPAK | Fashion Drawing | Justine Leconte


I haven t done a drawing tutorial in a while I m preparing the upcoming collection and back at it This video shows drawing techniques like tone on tone shadowing skin tone drawing and color mixing with markers Chartpak AD and Copic compared The result and the way of using the color are really different Thumbs up if you liked this video New videos Wednesday 4pm Sunday 12pm Paris Berlin time Take care Justine To contribute subtitles under any of my videos Thanks a lot to everyone who has already translated some of my videos MORE VIDEOS Which color season are you How to find out your undertone The right hair color for your skin What the colors you wear say about you LINKS THINGS MENTIONED make sure to pick the right format for you The equivalent marker paper esp for COPIC make sure to pick the right format for you AD Chartpak Pale flesh base tone for the skin Flesh for the shadows Mauve Light sandCopic Pinkish white base tone for the skin Blush for the shadows Pale grapeDull ivory CIAO is the cheaper line of COPIC each marker contains less ink than a regular COPIC marker but it makes the unit price lower Copic is otherwise the most expensive brand I AM WEARING Lipstick NIVEA Extreme Resist not sold anymore Visuals Music Epidemic Sound SOCIALInstagram JustineLeconteFacebook Justine Leconte FashionTwitter JustineLeconteOPinterest jleconteberlinMy website current collection www justineleconte com shopNewsletter registration info about new projects re stock Business requests only info justineleconte com Legal disclosure those links are affiliate links There are here for you to see the products and prices If you buy a product through these links I get a small share of the price without the product being more expensive for you You don t have to use those links It is up to you fashion drawing illustration



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