Interlace Cocktail Ring/Lariat -See note under the video before starting!

by Bronzepony Beaded Jewelry

Interlace Cocktail Ring/Lariat -See note under the video before starting!


Important Note Your first and all units on the first section of the bezel should be 1 Bicone and 4 11 0 Seed Beads I show 4 but said 3 on the first unit Don t know how that one got by me Join me on Facebook Materials Ring1 18x13mm Swarovski Oval fancy Stone Moss Green Black Diamond or Siamapprox 25 30 3mm Swarovski Bicones Palace Green Opal or Light Gold 2x Jet 11 0 Miyuki Seed Beads 457 Metallic Bronze15 0 Miyuki Seed Beads 457 Metallic BronzeSize 11 12 beading NeedleWildfire Beading thread or Fireline 6 or 8lbStop BeadLariat 1 Finished Bezel11 0 Seed Beads1 small toggle Clasp 1 6 8mm Jump Ring Antique Bras2 Crimp Beads Ant Brass 1x2mm2 Crimp Bead Covers 4mm3mm 4mm BiconesSoft Touch Beading wire Or Soft Flex 014 diameterTools Wire Cutter Flat Nosed Pliers Crimp ToolCoffee Snacks positive attitude Link to purchases All beads were available at the time I posted this video Prices are not necessarily the best so search for best discounts I also do not have connections to these sites or get paid for mentioning them This is to make is easier for you to find the materials if needed My 14x22 inch bead mat Coupon Code BRONZEPONY1018x13mm Swarovski Oval Fancy StonesBiconesNeedlesCrimp BeadsCrimp CoversToggle ClaspJump Rings11 0 Seed beads 45715 0 Seed Bead 457Wildfire beading Thread and Fireline Black Satin



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