Its Ask Me Anything Time! | Cupcake Jemma

by CupcakeJemma

Its Ask Me Anything Time! | Cupcake Jemma


Get your questions in for me and Team C D below by THURSDAY 2OTH DECEMBER ANSWERS WILL BE POSTED 27TH DECEMBER to keep you entertained in that weird bit in between Christmas and New Year We will try and answer the questions with the most likes as well as some of the best random ones so make sure you check what other people have asked before posting your own question RULES There are no rules other than keep it clean people Sally Dane Nikki and I will see you then Meep SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDS MY INSTAGRAM cupcakejemmaCAKESTAGRAM crumbsanddoiliesVISIT OUR SHOP Crumbs Doilies1 Kingly CourtLondonW1B 5PW



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Vol.123 カーネーション咲きのナデシコ

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園芸家の杉井志織さんが、清楚で可愛らしい「ナデシコ」の中でも、従来の一重咲きと新しい八重咲きの両方の良い所を併せ持った、カーネーション咲きナデシコを紹介します。 記事はこちら: