驚異のレタリング アート!【24】 フリーハンドでデ...
驚異のレタリング アート!【24】 フリーハンドでデザイン文字を描く技術がすごい!
Hi friends Welcome back to the socially anxious side of YouTube Two things you need to know 1 I live in a very grey and rainy city and 2 I just finished marathoning the Umbrella Academy on Netflix I ve been doodling umbrellas everywhere recently and that s why my spread ended up looking like this I tried to keep it simple so you guys can recreate it if you want to Really happy with how it turned out because it s not too plain but not too overwhelming either Anyway I hope you like it LIKE this video if want to see my room bookshelf organization vlog FIND ME ELSEWHERE TOOLS USED ARTWORK MUSIC Midnight Stroll by Ghostrifter PlanWithMe March2019 BulletJournalSetup
驚異のレタリング アート!【24】 フリーハンドでデザイン文字を描く技術がすごい!
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How I get ready quickly (usually between 5-10 minutes) on days that I am in a rush - chit chat GRWM (get ready with me)! Includes ...
ARCHES Watercolor Paper COLD Pressed 140lb, 9X12 Block HOLBEIN Watercolors: Olive Green, Payne's Grey, Indigo, Neutral Tint, Quina...
amazing calligraphy lettering SATISFYING ART VIDEO
This episode is sponsored by Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor. Check it out here: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/joinus
驚異のレタリング アート!【25】 フリーハンドでデザイン文字を描く技術がすごい!
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