100번 다시 쓸 수 있는 자석 속눈썹 써 봄
회사원입니다! 100번 다시 쓸 수 있는 속눈썹이라고 들어는 보셨나요? 자석으로 붙이는 신기한 속눈썹 제가 한 번 써 봤습니다
Thank you so much for watching my video and listening to me chat about my art goals and things I think about while painting The things I talked about in this video is what inspires me to create The whole discovery process and developing those skills is rewarding for me Can t wait to check in with you next year to see how far I ve come The artwork was made for January Mini Print Pack on Patreon ___________________________________________________ A R T S U P P L I E SThis content uses referral links at no additional cost to you D Any purchases made through these links will help me purchase more art supplies for this channel Thank you ___________________________________________________ F O L L O W M EWant more videos Support me on Patreon Purchase art prints original art and art books here Snail MailPo Box 281244Nashville TN 37228___________________________________________________Hello I m Tori independent artist based in Nashville TN Thank you for swinging by and checking out my art channel I love committing myself to the art journey constantly discovering something new and pushing myself as an artist Filming editing video is a hobby I take great joy in and thankful I have a wonderful community to share my passions with Thank you for being here FTC This video is NOT sponsored
회사원입니다! 100번 다시 쓸 수 있는 속눈썹이라고 들어는 보셨나요? 자석으로 붙이는 신기한 속눈썹 제가 한 번 써 봤습니다
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Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/63488
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