Purple Ombre Striping Tape Nail Art Tutorial DIY || KELLI MARISSA

by Kelli Marissa

Purple Ombre Striping Tape Nail Art Tutorial DIY || KELLI MARISSA


Hey galaxy gang Today I ve got my first fall manicure of the year This nail art design is perfect for the chilly weather and gray skies I used three gorgeous purple polishes from new nail polish collections as well as this beautiful copper metallic shade and some striping tape to make this design Here are the products I used Make sure you tune in for more nail polish swatches and reviews drugstore and high end nail polishes beginner nail art design tutorials eye makeup tutorials and more I usually post on Tuesdays Fridays and Sundays NAIL POLISH 101 CHECK OUT MY OTHER RECENT VIDEOS USE THE CODE kelli FOR 20 OFF ALL ORDERS affiliate code GET SOCIAL INSTAGRAM kellimarissaTWITTER kelli_marissaSNAPCHAT kellidobrinUse the hashtag kellimarissa to show me your recreations FTC Links marked with are affiliate links which means I make a small commission off any sales I appreciate your support



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