今回は、髪の巻き方です。 かなり雑で、テキトーです。 ご了承くださいm(__)m
Some simple ways of hanging stones with common stone shapes and sizes have hole Basic Guide How to make jewelry from copper wire by Lan Anh HandmadeSome people who are new to this subject often have some difficulty tracking my videos So I will make some basic tutorial videos for them to get acquainted with the basic operations The technique of hanging stones with different shapes is frequently used in the process of creating jewelry patterns There are many ways to hang a stone In the video are the simple ways that I often use Depending on the shape size and size of hole which use different wire sizes as well as different techniques Wire sizes and length may also vary depending on the purpose or materials you have For stones with a diameter of 3 5mm or with small holes use wires with a diameter of 0 3 0 4mmFor drop stone use a wire with a diameter of 0 4 0 5mmFor stones with a diameter of 6 8mm should use wires with a diameter of 0 6 0 8mmTIPS Before doing Always be sure to straighten the wire for a more beautiful product Can use a towel to straighten the wire Can be replaced with silver wire or gold wire for jewelry more valuableOr simply use cheap material like copper wire to make gifts for friends family or for yourself I just give way reference not the best way Can change size wire to suit your purpose You can do better than me I bought all the material and stones in where I live Vietnam I used to round copper wire magnet wire it s the only kind I found where I lived for many sizes I do not know exactly what type it was can be normal copper wire it have plating layer and not dark by time
今回は、髪の巻き方です。 かなり雑で、テキトーです。 ご了承くださいm(__)m
Cat adopts orphaned baby hedgehogs COURTESY: RT's RUPTLY video agency, NO RE-UPLOAD, NO REUSE - FOR LICENSING, PLEASE, CONTACT htt...
Will make a video on how to bake a watermelon cheese cake with ice cream in middle this delicious thing of beauty is so delicious ...
↓↓ポテちゃんとのお散歩の後編は【ベーコン家のポテ】チャンネルから♡↓↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgJRdBVJQq0
Hey Sweet Peeps,
A stray mama dog in Puerto Rico was hiding her litter of puppies under a bus to keep them safe — until these rescuers came along t...
久しぶりにカワウソのパーツをじっくり観察しました。動画からビンゴの毛の柔らかさや耳の柔らかさ少しでも伝われば幸いです。 ◆チャンネル登録お願いします! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpRS2Kp3cYnbjVuTagu3J...
大きいサイズ(スーパー用) 表生地 50cm×42cm 2枚 持ち手 13cm×38cm 2枚
Japanology Plus Okinawan Dance.
The best and the funniest cat videos that will make you laugh so hard that you will poop your pants! The hardest try not to laugh ...
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