VINTAGE FONT bullet journal - December 2018 Plan With Me

by roar

VINTAGE FONT bullet journal - December 2018 Plan With Me


Hey guys Sorry for the late upload I was super duper busy for November and couldn t finish editing this video on time but I hope you will still enjoy watching it At the start of November I was shopping in Michael and came across a modernize typewriter and I couldn t help searching real vintage typewriter online And guess what the girl who can t control herself found a super duper cute typewriter which is the one you saw in the video on ebay and I straight away bought it It is a Underwood typewriter from 1946 CRAZY RIGHT and it is still functioning well I love it so much and also realize why people can work so concentrate in the past LOLps I am not an expert for typewriter as I said I just got it so don t judge me with typing with just one finger PFollow me on rrrroarrrr www instagram com rrrroarrrr journal_roar www instagram com journal_roar




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