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The Vegans have spoken! And they want MORE VEGAN RECIPES! So to celebrate #worldveganday today, here is a must-have recipe for Veg...
I've been on self-quarantine in Seattle for almost 3 weeks now ... wanted to check in with you guys and talk about coping with wha...
Just a relaxing video from a nice summer day in August. Smoothie & Milkshake doing what they do best: absolutely nothing. Well, Mi...
どれだけ食べてもローカロリー♪ レシピ ベスト12
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Vintage Gucci restoration on the beautiful bag. Replaced the lining, clean, dyed, conditioned and water repelled.
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リング型のモールドにリングと着色したレジンを入れてUVライトで固めました。 UVレジン、カン付きリング、モールド、着色剤ブルー、ペンチなどを使いました
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