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Oldest Street food Since 1940
Flower chain bracelet with sparkling crystals How to make jewelry from copper wire of Lan Anh HandmadeYou can do the same with rings earrings pendants to form the setThis form can be used as a bracelet or anklet Foot Bracelet Can make single double or ziczac depending on preferencesYou can use any type of stone you have It is possible to combine different types of stones or colors according to tasteIn the video I use 20 gauge wire diameter 0 8mm 2cm 0 8 inch 2 5cm 1 inch 26 gauge wire diameter 0 4mm 150cm 60 inch crystal beads 4mm diameterTIPS Before doing Always be sure to straighten the wire for a more beautiful product Can use a towel to straighten the wire Cut each piece 30 40cm wire for easy manipulation Can be replaced with silver wire or gold wire for jewelry more valuableOr simply use cheap material like copper wire to make gifts for friends family or for yourself I just give way reference not the best way Can change size wire to suit your purpose You can do better than me
Oldest Street food Since 1940
歡迎按讚、分享,喜歡看寵物影片就要記得訂閱追蹤喔。訂閱請按YOUTUBE紅色鍵或按這裡 (翻譯:快樂逗萌寵 Happy Dose Video)
Hello This is the "yummy yammy" channel. it is a channel with the purpose of introducing various food and street food Are you read...
【蘿潔塔的廚房】自製紅豆芝麻湯圓。自己做的湯圓好Q好好吃~ 冬天來一碗暖呼呼的紅豆芝麻湯圓吧~ ★喜歡我創作的料理影片嗎?不要忘了訂閱我的頻道喔~
Tutorial de poncho a crochet con capucha. Crochet fácil y rápido
The rain has finally subsided! It is time for me to tackle the waterfall. If you don't feel comfortable sizing your succulents, yo...
Wildflowers ONLINE COURSES: https://wildflowerseducation.myshopif...
이번에는 활용도가 높은 에코백이에요. 가방의 내부에는 안감으로 깔끔하게 처리하고 외부에는 지퍼가 보이지 않게 만들었어요. 그리고 가방 앞 뒤에 4 개의 포켓을 추가하여 물건을 분리하여 담을 수 있도록 했어요. 만드는 과정을 자세하게 ...
使用刺繍糸 cosmo 赤345 緑320 白100 黄702 黒600 茶712
Even though New Year’s Day can be busy, Anna makes sure to wrap the gift for the host and hostess in a lovely and festive manner. ...
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