イカ お茶漬け イカ焼き 塩辛
Fluffy 4 year old Mei Mei has given birth to a cub at the Oregon Zoo The new arrival entered the world June 18 and weighs about half a pound Mom and baby are doing well in their behind the scenes maternity den according to zoo animal care staff We re very happy for Mei Mei and it s terrific to see her taking such good care of her baby said animal curator Amy Cutting who oversees the zoo s red panda area There s still a lot that could happen so we re being cautious and giving her as much privacy as possible So far she seems to be doing just fine Red panda cubs are born blind their eyes opening after a few weeks and they typically don t leave their maternity den for a few months after birth Animal care staff are taking a hands off approach monitoring Mei Mei and her cub via a surveillance camera to make sure all is going well We ll be watching closely Cutting said The first few weeks are especially important Our staff is dedicated to giving Mei Mei everything she needs to be a successful mom So far she s doing great on her own and the fact that she s successfully raised cubs in the past is encouraging
「目覚ましテレビ」で放送していたので、直ぐに歯ブラシで撫でてみました^^ 気持ち良さそうな表情がかわいいです。。。 ただ、息子が撫でると遊んでもらってると勘違いするみたいです♬
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Hey guys! Here's an easy, classic holiday look that's more fresh with pin-up style eyeliner and a beautifully stained red lip! Flu...
お出かけ中の車内の様子はこんな感じ。 ハナは最初からだいたい寝てます。コタローは初めはピーピー落ち着きないですが、途中からリラックスしてきておやつ食べたり給水機で遊んだりしてゴロゴロしながら寝ますが、目的地が近づくとまたはしゃぎ出します。 そして到着した先には...
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短足マンチカンの男の子、プリンです! 10月から投稿を初めて50投稿を突破しました! いつも見てくださってありがとうございます。
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