
by eyeキャッツ



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Everything You NEED To Know ab...

  • by Jen Luvs Reviews 1111

Did Jeffree change his formula for this palette? We know the shadows finger swatch well, but do they apply well with a brush? What...

아주 똑똑한 고양이

  • by 크림히어로즈 1417

오늘은 고양이들과 노즈워크 놀이를 했어요. 컵 속에 간식을 숨겨놓고 고양이들이 간식을 찾아서 꺼내 먹을 수 있도록 해줬어요. 음... 우리 야옹이들은... 천재이긴 하지만... 시간이 조금 더 필요한 것 같아요.

the perfect shober does not ex...

  • by Rapid Liquid 2370

I'm bacc again! This time, presenting you some big boned thicc shobes that drank too much bepsu(accompanied by the massive shobe t...


  • by musubiyori 681

毎月29日は、先代ムスビの月命日&ウマウマデー! おむすびさん、最近はアレルギーのため味見とウマウマデー無しの日々でしたが、お魚は大丈夫そうと分かったためマグロのお刺身をゲットしたのでした^^ (マグロ、カツオはOKそう、鶏肉はNGぽいです。。。) ブログはこ...

Tank Bit Me!

  • by The Fish Whisperer 2388

In this video I am feeding the turtles and fish and the biggest turtle Tank bites my finger. It doesn’t hurt too bad when they bit...