My Smooth Flawless Face Makeup...
Hey skincare AND makeup junkies! I hope you are all well and safe wherever you are in the world! It has been a while since I've po...
棒針編み初心者の方に 左上2目一度 の編み方を動画でご紹介 編み方をマスターして 是非模様編みに挑戦してみてくださいね 手づくりキット専門の動画配信サイト ネコジロウTV 簡単 ちゃんねる登録はこちら
Hey skincare AND makeup junkies! I hope you are all well and safe wherever you are in the world! It has been a while since I've po...
Just a quick and very casual video chatting about why I've been a bit quiet and M.I.A these past few weeks! ^_^
GRWM 一起化妝 !分享我近期很愛的妝容!免整形~眼睛變大,臉就變小囉😊 🎀 影片中使用的商品▼Products I Mentioned▼ LINKS ▼ ZA NINJA CONCEALER 一抹隱形遮瑕筆 01
Thanks for watching my latest video!
Trying out some new foundation techniques recommended by Professional Makeup Artists that I've never tried before, some I've never...
DIY purse wallet tutorial from scratch easy.
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