Eating Japans POISONOUS PufferFish!!! ALMOST DIED!!! *Ambulance*

by Best Ever Food Review Show

Eating Japans POISONOUS PufferFish!!! ALMOST DIED!!! *Ambulance*


THE JAPANESE SEAFOOD1 TATSUMIYA ASAKUSA Dojo NabeADDRESS 1 33 5 Asakusa Taito ku TokyoOPEN Weekdays 11 30AM 9 30PM Weekends Public Holidays 11AM 9 30PM DOJO NABE First cook the fish for 20 minutes in a pressure cooker allowing it to soften with the bones in Then add the fish to a platter mixing it with soy sauce and radish broth and allowing it to cook on a mini stove Wait for the broth to boil then add green onion on top That s it ready to eat Continue to add broth as you like while eating PRICE 14 59 USD 1 580 JPY per set 2 WASOUSHUTSUDOKKO Shiokara Fermented Squid ADDRESS Oji Kita ku Tokyo 1 22 16 Maki and First Building 5OPEN Weekdays 5PM 12AM Weekends 5PM 2AM SHIORAKA Begin by slicing the squid removing its organs and putting them in a plastic bag Separately allow the squid to marinate in salt for 30 minutes before adding it to the plastic bag containing the squid organs To get the most flavor the squid will marinate for 5 days however it can also be eaten right away PRICE 5 07 USD 550 JPY 3 GEMPIN FUGU Fugu FishADDRESS 1 13 5 Ginza Chuo Tokyo OPEN Weekdays 5PM 12AM Saturday 4PM 11PM Sunday 12PM 3PM 4PM 11PM Fugu is one of the most celebrated and notorious dishes in Japan Due to its tetrodotoxin it can be lethally poisonous which is why there are strict rules around the preparation and serving of this dish Fugu preparation is controlled by Japanese law with chefs undergoing specific training for a minimum of three years Our chef Mr Nakase received his certification and has been lawfully serving some of Tokyo s most delicious fugu for the past 14 years PRICE Whole Fugu Fish 92 35 USD 10 000 JPY Fugu Sashimi 11 77 USD 1 274 JPY for 45 grams Fried Fugu 16 75 USD 1 814 JPY Fugu Hotpot 19 74 USD 2 138 JPY COME SAY HI SUPPORT OUR MISSION ABOUT BEFRS Hey I m Sonny I m from the US but currently call Vietnam home I ve been living in Asia for 10 years and started making food and travel videos to document my experiences People either enjoyed my undeniable charm or enjoyed watching me eat things like coconut worms and thus Best Ever Food Review Show came to be I travel to different parts of the world hunting down and documenting the most unique food each country has to offer If you see any factual food errors in my videos please feel free to politely let me know in the comments I m a huge fan of trying different interesting foods in each country My show is from a Western point of view but more importantly MY point of view It is not meant to offend any person or culture Don t forget to subscribe to Best Ever Food Review Show so we can connect through food and travel and become Bestys CREDITS DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Bret HamiltonCAMERA OPERATOR Nguyễn Tân KhảiVIDEO EDITOR SonnyCOLOR MASTER Dương Quốc HuyPRODUCER Huỳnh Hà MyFor business inquiries please email team befrs gmail com




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